Many new tools exist to assist patentees and patent attorneys to determine whether there is prior art and where in the patent landscape a particular patent lies--learn more from experts!
Illinois Intellectual Property Alliance presents
Using the Power of AI for Prior Art Searching and Patent Landscaping
The coupling of Articial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) is enabling AI to understand concepts within documents. This is driving a new generation of AI-based patent tools that can quickly distill insights from large document sets. Many companies and inventors are using these tools to accelerate their innovation by performing enhanced prior art searching and creating advanced technology landscapes.
Two experts, Sam Zellner and Tony Trippe, will lead a discussion of analytical tools with a focus on PQAI, a publicly available system, and other patent analytics systems that are fee-based.
Join us as we demonstrate these tools in action and answer your questions during this lunchtime session. Learn how to improve your invention process by knowing what already exists.
This event will be ONLINE on Thursday, 26 May 2022, from 12-1 p.m. (CT). Click on the Registration button below to register. There is no charge.
Sam Zellner -- Founder and CEO, InspireiP; Team Leader, PQAI
Tony Trippe -- IP Strategy Manager, Owens Corning; Author and Manager, ML4Patents, Adjunct Professor, IIT IP Management & Markets; Managing Director, Patinformatics