Join us for timely information about the value and future of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) with two knowledgeable Chicago-based attorneys "in the know."
Illinois Intellectual Property Alliance presents
Fun with Non-Fungibles:
What Can NFTs Do for Me?
Digital Collectibles have been selling for thousands and in some cases for millions of dollars through the use of NFTs like this Lebron James dunk, the first tweet sold by CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, who had auction bids reach $2.5M, and the music group Kings of Leon dropped an album via NFT!
Join ILIPA and IPLAC for a informative discussion with Zach Smolinski and Rumi Morales who join moderator Alex Karana to explore the IP aspects of a variety of instantiations of NFTs. This "hot topic" has many wondering exactly what the impact on their own creations and objects as well as the IP implications for these non-fungible tokens might be. Questions posed relate to the tracking of items, the authentication of an object versus the NFT, and the best practices to protect the IP of the creators, sellers, and purchasers.
This event will be ONLINE on Wednesday, July 14, 2021, from noon-1 p.m. Click on the Registration button below to register. There is no charge. Illinois CLE credit is pending.
Alex Karana - Moderator; Owner at Karana IP, LLC; intellectual property & business attorney with a background in chemical engineering and automotive transmissions; active member ILIPA Program and Events committee; member of the Lawyers for Creative Arts in Chicago and the Assyrian American Bar Association.
Rumi Morales - Partner and Board Member, Outlier Ventures, a leading venture firm investing in the open data economy including digital currencies, decentralized finance and non-fungible tokens; previously at CME Group in Chicago where she pioneered investments by large financial institutions in blockchain, AI, and quantum computing; member of the Boards of the Girl Scouts of the USA, the Negaunee Music Institute of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the BitGive Foundation, and the Chamber of Digital Commerce
Zach Smolinski - Founder, Smolinski Rosario Law; experienced general counsel having a focus on intellectual property, transactional, and M&A law and a strong interest in emerging technologies; Mr. Smolinski coordinates and speaks monthly at BUZZ, a blockchain discussion group in Chicago.